You’ve probably heard of the phrase “the customer is always right” – which is true in some cases. Keeping the consumers satisfied will not only help drive revenue, but it will also aid with making the business grow altogether. Implementing a customer-centric strategy means putting the buyers above everything else which may require time to change your tactics a bit.
Here are some of the benefits that a customer-centric marketing strategy can bring to your business:
- It helps brands recognize their growth opportunities. Most businesses are so focused on what they should bring to the table that sometimes, entrepreneurs tend to forget how to ask how satisfied their consumers are. Focusing on the leads can help business owners identify the value that they can offer customers and eventually focus on growth.
- Customer satisfaction will dramatically increase since you’ll be focusing on what they really want and need from the brand.
- You’ll be offering a personalized experience to your target market, which can help drive revenue to the business.
- Better communication between the consumers and the brand. Entrepreneurs need to contact their buyers to know exactly what they need and want from the brand. This allows the communication between both parties to go smoothly.
Now that we have discussed the benefits of having a customer-centric marketing strategy, it’s time to discuss how you can drive revenue through a couple of foolproof tactics.

Involve Your Customers in the Process
There’s no better way to improve customer-centricity than by involving your customers in the whole process. Regularly send out surveys and emails, run polls, and ask the right questions through social media posts. Using the right BPM software to automate your posts and emails can help make the process efficient and effective.
Your consumers’ needs change over time, and knowing exactly how you can help can change the game.
Implement Personalization
As we have stated earlier, personalizing the content that you put out can vastly help with improving your customer-centric marketing strategy. The more customized your ads are, the more audiences you will be able to reach. Here are a few steps to make your content a lot more personalized:
- Collect enough data to understand your customers.
- Create different personas for each target group.
- Map out your content.
- Adjust your messaging every now and then.
- Assess what your customers are looking for.

Do Enough Research
The only way to know what your customers need is by doing ample research. Organizations who are dedicated to creating a customer-centric strategy exert effort in trying to understand what their buyers are looking for. If you are armed with the right data, then you can move forward knowing that your clients will be satisfied with what you put out.
Here are a couple of tips for doing targeted market research:
- Know the right questions to ask and which channels you will use.
- Define the customers that you want to interview.
- Make an agenda and plan the interview properly. Set the date, time, and platform that you want to utilize.
- Listen intently and avoid putting words into your customers’ mouths.
- Summarize and repeat your interviewees’ answers.
- Send out surveys and polls through emails and social media posts.

Pay Attention to Your Employees
Your employees are your frontliners when it comes to customer-centricity, as they are the ones who communicate with your buyers the most. Make it a point to reward your team members for a job well done so they will be motivated to keep up the good work. You’ll be getting your data from your sales and marketing team, and the more they persevere, the better insights you will get.
Set KPIs in place for a proper reward system. Empowering your employees can come in the form of giving out gifts and incentives, or it can also be as simple as praising them for doing a good job. Consider implementing a BPM solution within your organization to keep the KPIs organized and for a more streamlined process.
Listen Actively
Listening and being comprehensive with your approach leads to the road towards a customer-centric marketing strategy. Actively train your salespeople to develop their consultative skills so they will be able to listen and offer solutions based on the customers’ pain points. If your clients are satisfied with your services, then the rest will follow.
Try giving these listening tips to your marketing team:
- Listen without interrupting. Let the customer finish talking before you ask questions.
- Ask follow-up questions to make sure that you understand the situation clearly.
- Summarize and be ready to offer solutions.
Adapt to How the Customers Communicate
Another thing to keep in mind is that your customer representatives should adapt to how your clients communicate. Some might prefer talking to a person over the phone, while a few other individuals might want to chat over it instead. No matter what their preferred way of communication, your sales team must be flexible enough to handle it.
If the buyers are at ease, then they will get the notion that they are valued and cared for. A customer centric strategy should not only be implemented to drive revenue growth, but also to show the audience that they are a part of keeping the business alive. Again, using a BPM software to automate responses and keep spiels at hand can help the sales team handle complaints easily.
Respond to Feedback
Getting suggestions and feedback from your audience will help the brand grow and evolve. Every customer should be given the chance to provide feedback. These suggestions must be taken into account, and your team should be open to restructuring your process based on it. You do not need to completely turn the tables around, but tweaking the strategy to make it more customer-centric will pay off in no time.

Wrapping Up
Selling to happy and satisfied customers is a lot easier than trying to convince an audience that are not on the same page as you. A customer-centric strategy in the digital age is a win-win situation, as not only will it help drive revenue growth, but it will also lead to an influx of customers through word of mouth. Train your customer service team in the process and you’ll be able to reach your goals.